Thursday, February 12, 2009

Have you ever wanted to learn another language, well now is your chance, i know how to speak Afrikaans, and i can teach you a few words:)
hello - hello
good morning - Goeie môre (GWEE-uh MOR-uh)
good afternoon - Goeie dag (GWEE-uh dag )with the “g” like you have popcorn in your throat :)
how are you - Hoe gaan dit? (hoo gahn dit?)
Im fine thanks - Goed dankie (Guut DUN-key) how are you - Hoe gaan dit met jou? (hoo gahn dit met yow)


  1. That is so cool! Three years ago there was a girl down my street who was from Africa she tought me some afrikaans! I thought it was very fun to learn!

  2. Hi, "miss south africa" your blog is really cool! I love your purple hedgehog! It sounds like Afrikaans is a really awesome language!

  3. Wow! cool blog! :)

    Come check out my blog.
    My blog isn't that good. :(

  4. wow! cool blog!

    Come check out my blog.
    It's not as good as yous. :(

  5. thanx for the comment bubbles which part of south africa was she from?
